Friday, January 31, 2014

What happens when we correct for publication bias? by Tyler Cowen

What happens when we correct for publication bias? by Tyler Cowen

Interview with John A. List

Interview with John A. List

The Gender Pay Gap by Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn

The Gender Pay Gap by Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn

The Gender Wage Gap Lie by Hanna Rosin

The Gender Wage Gap Lie by Hanna Rosin

Income Inequality in the U.S. Means Princes Don’t Go After Cinderellas by Shaila Dewan

Income Inequality in the U.S. Means Princes Don’t Go After Cinderellas by Shaila Dewan

Slow reaction time linked with early death from ScienceDaily

Slow reaction time linked with early death from ScienceDaily

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Intelligence, Human Capital, and Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach by Garett Jones and W. Joel Schneider

Intelligence, Human Capital, and Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach by Garett Jones and W. Joel Schneider

Social Liberalism as Class Warfare by Ross Douthat

Social Liberalism as Class Warfare by Ross Douthat

It’s Not Just MSNBC Making Flip Assumptions About Non-Liberal Racism by Matt Welch

It’s Not Just MSNBC Making Flip Assumptions About Non-Liberal Racism by Matt Welch

Everyone likes the idea of equal opportunity. This economist thinks it’s a fantasy by Dylan Matthews

Everyone likes the idea of equal opportunity. This economist thinks it’s a fantasy by Dylan Matthews

The ACA: A Train Wreck and a Lie by Jeffrey A. Singer

The ACA: A Train Wreck and a Lie by Jeffrey A. Singer

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Burden of Proof as a Legal Fiction: One Year Later by J. Bennett Allen

Burden of Proof as a Legal Fiction: One Year Later by J. Bennett Allen

If we want more income equality, should we return to the economy of George W. Bush? by Jim Lindgren

If we want more income equality, should we return to the economy of George W. Bush? by Jim Lindgren

Isn’t envy the cousin of greed? by Jim Lindgren

Isn’t envy the cousin of greed? by Jim Lindgren

Income inequality: racist motives and government programs by Jim Lindgren

Income inequality: racist motives and government programs by Jim Lindgren

Redistribution and Racism, Tolerance and Capitalism by James Lindgren

Redistribution and Racism, Tolerance and Capitalism by James Lindgren

“Of the 334 murders in New York City in 2013, it appears only 29 victims did not know their killer” by Eugene Volokh

“Of the 334 murders in New York City in 2013, it appears only 29 victims did not know their killer” by Eugene Volokh

Social networks can help predict gun violence by Andrew V. Papachristos

Social networks can help predict gun violence by Andrew V. Papachristos

'They All Look Alike': The Other-Race Effect by Ross Pomeroy

'They All Look Alike': The Other-Race Effect by Ross Pomeroy

People, Spaces, Deliberation blog

People, Spaces, Deliberation blog

How do We Move from Getting Kids into School to actually Educating Them? Provocative New Book by Lant Pritchett by Duncan Green

How do We Move from Getting Kids into School to actually Educating Them? Provocative New Book by Lant Pritchett by Duncan Green

Anecdotes and Simple Observations are Dangerous; Words and Narratives are Not.

Anecdotes and Simple Observations are Dangerous; Words and Narratives are Not by Heather Lanthorn

The Promising Integration of Qualitative Methods and Field Experiments by Elizabeth Levy Paluck

The Promising Integration of Qualitative Methods and Field Experiments by Elizabeth Levy Paluck

School ditches rules and loses bullies from TVNZ

School ditches rules and loses bullies from TVNZ

Monday, January 27, 2014

Knowledge and Memory: The Real Story by Roger C. Schank and Robert P. Abelson

Knowledge and Memory: The Real Story by Roger C. Schank and Robert P. Abelson

Assortative mating and income inequality by Tyler Cowen

Assortative mating and income inequality by Tyler Cowen

Latest Harvard Study Example of Garbage In, Garbage Out by Eric D. Mertz

Latest Harvard Study Example of Garbage In, Garbage Out by Eric D. Mertz

Carts and Horses, Causes and Effects by Stacy McCain

Carts and Horses, Causes and Effects by Stacy McCain

Psychologists document the age our earliest memories fade by Carol Clark

Psychologists document the age our earliest memories fade by Carol Clark

Don’t Blame the Maps by Jowei Chen and Jonathan Rodden

Don’t Blame the Maps by Jowei Chen and Jonathan Rodden

Is "Diversity" In Science Necessary? Legal? by John S. Rosenberg

Is "Diversity" In Science Necessary? Legal? by John S. Rosenberg

Old School Blogging by Will Wilkinson

Old School Blogging by Will Wilkinson

Sunday, January 26, 2014

What Drives Success? by Ay Chua and Jed Rubenfeldjan

What Drives Success? by Ay Chua and Jed Rubenfeldjan

Family Matters: What’s the most important factor blocking social mobility? Single parents, suggests a new study by W. Bradford Wilcox

Family Matters: What’s the most important factor blocking social mobility? Single parents, suggests a new study by W. Bradford Wilcox

What We’re Talking About When We Talk About Inequality by Walter Russell Mead

What We’re Talking About When We Talk About Inequality by Walter Russell Mead

The Myth of Industrial Rebound by Steve Rattner

The Myth of Industrial Rebound by Steve Rattner

Evaluating Online Vigilantism by Nancy Leong

Evaluating Online Vigilantism by Nancy Leong

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pot’s Sobering Lessons From Prohibition by Stephen Mihm

Pot’s Sobering Lessons From Prohibition by Stephen Mihm

Help the Working Poor, but Share the Burden by N. Gregory Mankiw

Help the Working Poor, but Share the Burden by N. Gregory Mankiw

Is the United States Still a Land of Opportunity? Recent Trends in Intergenerational Mobility by Raj Chetty et al

Is the United States Still a Land of Opportunity? Recent Trends in Intergenerational Mobility by Raj Chetty et al

How much income inequality is explained by varying parental resources? by Greg Mankiw

How much income inequality is explained by varying parental resources? by Greg Mankiw

Why poor Americans aren't up in arms from The Economist

Why poor Americans aren't up in arms from The Economist

Satan at the State House: On statues, statutes, and civil society by Jonah Goldberg

Satan at the State House: On statues, statutes, and civil society by Jonah Goldberg

Social Networks and Status Attainment by Nan Lin

Social Networks and Status Attainment by Nan Lin

E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century by Robert D. Putnam

E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century by Robert D. Putnam

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Books aren’t going anywhere – despite the threat of robot sonneteers by Adam Hammond

Books aren’t going anywhere – despite the threat of robot sonneteers by Adam Hammond

The social animal by Julian Baggini

The social animal by Julian Baggini

Work to Live? Not Here, We Don't by Megan McArdle

Work to Live? Not Here, We Don't by Megan McArdle

Income inequality is not as extreme as many citizens think by Tyler Cowen

Income inequality is not as extreme as many citizens think by Tyler Cowen

Social Mobility and Race in America from Price Economics

Social Mobility and Race in America from Price Economics

Upward mobility in the United States is not declining as many citizens think by Tyler Cowen

Upward mobility in the United States is not declining as many citizens think by Tyler Cowen

Upward Mobility Has Not Declined, Study Says by David Leonhardtjan

Upward Mobility Has Not Declined, Study Says by David Leonhardtjan

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The legacy of Eric Hoffer by Thomas Sowell

The legacy of Eric Hoffer by Thomas Sowell

The Commissar for Traffic presents the latest Five-Year Plan by Andrew

The Commissar for Traffic presents the latest Five-Year Plan by Andrew

Myths, Presumptions, and Facts about Obesity by Krista Casazza, et al

Myths, Presumptions, and Facts about Obesity by Krista Casazza, et al

3 Myths on Obesity Debunked by Prominent Scientists by Cameron English

3 Myths on Obesity Debunked by Prominent Scientists by Cameron English

Michelle Obama is No Match For the Power Of Junk Food and School Lunches by Cameron English

Michelle Obama is No Match For the Power Of Junk Food and School Lunches by Cameron English

Does television normalize rape culture? Probably not by Cameron English

Does television normalize rape culture? Probably not by Cameron English

Mummy of Forgotten Pharaoh Discovered in Ruined Egypt Tomb by Stephanie Pappas

Mummy of Forgotten Pharaoh Discovered in Ruined Egypt Tomb by Stephanie Pappas

Fact-Free Liberals by Thomas Sowell

Fact-Free Liberals by Thomas Sowell

Teen employment and the minimum wage: sixty years of experience by Tyler Cowen

Teen employment and the minimum wage: sixty years of experience by Tyler Cowen

Lots Of Ways To Educate A Child by Rod Dreher

Lots Of Ways To Educate A Child by Rod Dreher

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Last Generation of the West and the Thin Strand of Civilization by Victor Davis Hanson

The Last Generation of the West and the Thin Strand of Civilization by Victor Davis Hanson

Lions and donkeys: 10 big myths about World War One debunked by Dan Snow

Lions and donkeys: 10 big myths about World War One debunked by Dan Snow

Be suspicious of stories by Tyler Cowen

Be suspicious of stories by Tyler Cowen

The ‘How Are You?’ Culture Clash by Alina Simonejan

The ‘How Are You?’ Culture Clash by Alina Simonejan

Patients’ Costs Skyrocket; Specialists’ Incomes Soar by Elizabeth Rosenthaljan

Patients’ Costs Skyrocket; Specialists’ Incomes Soar by Elizabeth Rosenthaljan

Pa. attorney general is probing cheating at Phila. schools by Jeff Gammage, Kristen A. Graham, and Dylan Purcell

Pa. attorney general is probing cheating at Phila. schools by Jeff Gammage, Kristen A. Graham, and Dylan Purcell

Our Selfish 'Public Servants' by Peggy Noonan

Our Selfish 'Public Servants' by Peggy Noonan

The Very Model of a Modern Major Terrible from Simon Fraser University

The Very Model of a Modern Major Terrible from Simon Fraser University

Where we stand (divided) on medical bankruptcy by Daniel Liebman

Where we stand (divided) on medical bankruptcy by Daniel Liebman

Unemployment benefits and Google job search by Tyler Cowen

Unemployment benefits and Google job search by Tyler Cowen

How well does a minimum wage boost target the poor? by Tyler Cowen

How well does a minimum wage boost target the poor? by Tyler Cowen

Nasa says Mars mystery rock that ‘appeared’ from nowhere is ‘like nothing we’ve seen before’ by Adam Withnall

Nasa says Mars mystery rock that ‘appeared’ from nowhere is ‘like nothing we’ve seen before’ by Adam Withnall

Proof at last: Eurocrats secretly admit that countries are better off out by Daniel Hannan

Proof at last: Eurocrats secretly admit that countries are better off out by Daniel Hannan

Kentucky’s War On The Little Guy…And Nevada’s…and Missouri’s… by Timothy Sandefur

Kentucky’s War On The Little Guy…And Nevada’s…and Missouri’s… by Timothy Sandefur

Sunday, January 19, 2014

This column will change your life: gut feelings by Oliver Burkeman

This column will change your life: gut feelings by Oliver Burkeman

A Woman’s (Only) Nation: What’s Missing from the Shriver Report by Kay Hymowitz

A Woman’s (Only) Nation: What’s Missing from the Shriver Report by Kay Hymowitz

Why I Let My Daughter Get a ‘Useless’ College Degree by Randye Hoder

Why I Let My Daughter Get a ‘Useless’ College Degree by Randye Hoder

8-year study: Black federal judges 'conditioned' to go easy on fellow blacks by Paul Bedard

8-year study: Black federal judges 'conditioned' to go easy on fellow blacks by Paul Bedard

Defending Freedom Feminism by Christina Hoff Sommers

Defending Freedom Feminism by Christina Hoff Sommers

Is the American School System Damaging Our Kids? by Peter Gray

Is the American School System Damaging Our Kids? by Peter Gray

The positive psychology of interested adolescents by Jeremy P. Hunter and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The positive psychology of interested adolescents by Jeremy P. Hunter and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Underground New York Public Library blog

Underground New York Public Library blog

Friday, January 17, 2014

What’s Misleading About This Picture? by Eugene Volokh

What’s Misleading About This Picture? by Eugene Volokh

Jonathan Haidt on Psychology and Politics by Todd Zywicki

Jonathan Haidt on Psychology and Politics by Todd Zywicki

Can TIME Predict Your Politics? by Jonathan Haidt and Chris Wilson

Can TIME Predict Your Politics? by Jonathan Haidt and Chris Wilson

Your Personality Makes Your Politics by Jonathan Haidt

Your Personality Makes Your Politics by Jonathan Haidt

The more important danger to guard against is unjustified dismissal of opposing viewpoints

From Are People Too Dismissive of Others’ Arguments, or Not Dismissive Enough? by Ilya Somin
If you want to be a better truth-seeker, you should indeed work harder at taking out cognitive trash when it comes to arguments about issues on which you don’t have strong views. But when it comes to issues where you do have strong beliefs, the more important danger to guard against is unjustified dismissal of opposing viewpoints.

Are People Too Dismissive of Others’ Arguments, or Not Dismissive Enough? by Ilya Somin

Are People Too Dismissive of Others’ Arguments, or Not Dismissive Enough? by Ilya Somin

Mental Contamination and Mental Correction by Timothy D. Wilson and Nancy Brekke

Mental Contamination and Mental Correction: Unwanted Influences on Judgments and evaluations by Timothy D. Wilson and Nancy Brekke

Bias, Assent, and the Psychological Plausibility of Rational Irrationality by Bryan Caplan

Bias, Assent, and the Psychological Plausibility of Rational Irrationality by Bryan Caplan

Alcoholics Anonymous vs. the Doctors by Brian Palmer

Alcoholics Anonymous vs. the Doctors by Brian Palmer

Yes, There's a Black Fatherhood Crisis by Robert VerBruggen

Yes, There's a Black Fatherhood Crisis by Robert VerBruggen

Technology Is Not Driving Us Apart After All by Mark Oppenheimerjan

Technology Is Not Driving Us Apart After All by Mark Oppenheimerjan

Is the U.S. too corrupt for single-payer health care? by Ezra Klein

Is the U.S. too corrupt for single-payer health care? by Ezra Klein

Booth babes are bad for business by Cory Doctorow

Booth babes are bad for business by Cory Doctorow

Smartphones get more sophisticated, but their owners do not by Michael S. Rosenwald

Smartphones get more sophisticated, but their owners do not by Michael S. Rosenwald

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Understanding the Book Genome Project by Aaron Stanton

Understanding the Book Genome Project by Aaron Stanton

The Sex of Fifty Shades of Grey by Aaron Stanton

The Sex of Fifty Shades of Grey by Aaron Stanton

How Long is the Average Book? A Concrete Answer to a Longstanding Writing FAQ by Aaron Stanton

How Long is the Average Book? A Concrete Answer to a Longstanding Writing FAQ by Aaron Stanton

Vanilla by Senongo

Vanilla by Senongo

100 Percent Men blog

100 Percent Men blog

These Two Guys Tried to Rebuild a Cray Supercomputer by Alexis C. Madrigal

These Two Guys Tried to Rebuild a Cray Supercomputer by Alexis C. Madrigal

'Thank you for being so kind to Kate': Mother's moving tribute to businessman who entertained her autistic daughter on plane goes viral by Sadie Whitelocks

'Thank you for being so kind to Kate': Mother's moving tribute to businessman who entertained her autistic daughter on plane goes viral by Sadie Whitelocks

Small, New University Does Something Radical -- Only Hires Professors Who Want To Teach And Only Admits Students Who Want To Learn by George Leef

Small, New University Does Something Radical -- Only Hires Professors Who Want To Teach And Only Admits Students Who Want To Learn by George Leef

Are There 'Laws' in Social Science? by Ross Pomeroy

Are There 'Laws' in Social Science? by Ross Pomeroy

Wealthy Women Can Afford to Reject Marriage, but Poor Women Can't by Emma Green

Wealthy Women Can Afford to Reject Marriage, but Poor Women Can't by Emma Green

Women in the Labor Force: A Databook from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Women in the Labor Force: A Databook from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What About the Fathers? by Kathryn Edin

What About the Fathers? by Kathryn Edin

Under Pressure, Does Evolution Evolve? by Emily Singer

Under Pressure, Does Evolution Evolve? by Emily Singer

The Public Housing Experiment by Claude S. Fischer

The Public Housing Experiment by Claude S. Fischer

Does Bag Tax Really Deter Us From Packing With Plastic? by Megan McArdle

Does Bag Tax Really Deter Us From Packing With Plastic? by Megan McArdle

If a Time Traveller Saw a Smartphone by Tim Wu

If a Time Traveller Saw a Smartphone by Tim Wu

Almost No Americans Die From Lightning Strikes Anymore—Why? by Rebecca J. Rosen

Almost No Americans Die From Lightning Strikes Anymore—Why? by Rebecca J. Rosen

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What Scientific Idea is Ready for Retirement? from Edge

What Scientific Idea is Ready for Retirement? from Edge

Information Overload by Jay Rosen

Information Overload by Jay Rosen

Knowing is Half the Battle by Laurie R. Santos and Tamar Gendler

Knowing is Half the Battle by Laurie R. Santos and Tamar Gendler

Big Effects Have Big Explanations by Fiery Cushman

Big Effects Have Big Explanations by Fiery Cushman

Inequality and the Masters of Money by Alex Tabarrok

Inequality and the Masters of Money by Alex Tabarrok

You Can't Have a Conversation About Sexism at Gunpoint by Megan McArdle

You Can't Have a Conversation About Sexism at Gunpoint by Megan McArdle

Knowledge Problem blog

Knowledge Problem blog

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Left for dead in 1948: The battle that shaped Arik Sharon by Mitch Ginsburg

Left for dead in 1948: The battle that shaped Arik Sharon by Mitch Ginsburg

How I Rediscovered Faith by Malcolm Gladwell

How I Rediscovered Faith by Malcolm Gladwell

The Financial Benefits of Being Beautiful by Derek Thompson

The Financial Benefits of Being Beautiful by Derek Thompson

Financial Aid Puts a Squeeze on the Middle Class by Walter Russell Mead

Financial Aid Puts a Squeeze on the Middle Class by Walter Russell Mead

Maryland officials were warned for a year of problems with online health-insurance site by Sarah L. Voisin

Maryland officials were warned for a year of problems with online health-insurance site by Sarah L. Voisin

Is the College of the Future in New Hampshire? by Walter Russell Mead

Is the College of the Future in New Hampshire? by Walter Russell Mead

Saturday, January 11, 2014

World War II’s Strangest Battle: When Americans and Germans Fought Together by Andrew Roberts

World War II’s Strangest Battle: When Americans and Germans Fought Together by Andrew Roberts

Study Shows 'Readability' Scores Largely Inaccurate from Science Daily

Study Shows 'Readability' Scores Largely Inaccurate from Science Daily

Profile of Teachers in the US 2011 by C. Emily Feistritzer

Profile of Teachers in the US 2011 by C. Emily Feistritzer

Politics and Professional Advancement Among College Faculty by Stanley Rothman , S. Robert Lichter, and Neil Nevitte

Politics and Professional Advancement Among College Faculty by Stanley Rothman , S. Robert Lichter, and Neil Nevitte

Academe quits me by D.G. Myers

Academe quits me by D.G. Myers

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Open-Office Trap by Maria Konnikova

The Open-Office Trap by Maria Konnikova

Urbanophile website

Urbanophile website

Life-path outcomes associated with reading ability from Statistics Canada

Life-path outcomes associated with reading ability from Statistics Canada

Reading for Life by Sara Mead

Reading for Life by Sara Mead

The influence of reading ability on subsequent changes in verbal IQ in the teenage years by Sue Ramsden, Fiona M. Richardson, Goulven Josse, et al

The influence of reading ability on subsequent changes in verbal IQ in the teenage years by Sue Ramsden, Fiona M. Richardson, Goulven Josse, et al

What Reading Does for the Mind by Anne E. Cunningham and Keith E. Stanovich

What Reading Does for the Mind by Anne E. Cunningham and Keith E. Stanovich

Income Inequality and IQ by Charles Murray

Income Inequality and IQ by Charles Murray

Uncoupling of Reading and IQ Over Time: Empirical Evidence for a Definition of Dyslexia by Emilio Ferrer, Bennett A. Shaywitz, John M. Holahan, Karen Marchione, and Sally E. Shaywitz.

Uncoupling of Reading and IQ Over Time: Empirical Evidence for a Definition of Dyslexia by Emilio Ferrer, Bennett A. Shaywitz, John M. Holahan, Karen Marchione, and Sally E. Shaywitz.

What Is a City For? by Aaron M. Renn

What Is a City For? by Aaron M. Renn

More Fun With Per Capita Incomes by Aaron M. Renn

More Fun With Per Capita Incomes by Aaron M. Renn

Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10,000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East, claims study by Ellie Zolfagharifard

Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10,000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East, claims study by Ellie Zolfagharifard

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Address at a Sanitary Fair by Abraham Lincoln

Address at a Sanitary Fair by Abraham Lincoln

Algorithm to Crack Code of Fiction Bestsellers by Joel Shurkin

Algorithm to Crack Code of Fiction Bestsellers by Joel Shurkin

Searching for the Amazon's Hidden Civilizations by Lizzie Wade

Searching for the Amazon's Hidden Civilizations by Lizzie Wade

The White Ghetto by Kevin D. Williamson

The White Ghetto by Kevin D. Williamson

Books Average Previous Decade of Economic Misery by Tyler Cowen

Books Average Previous Decade of Economic Misery by Tyler Cowen

Women and Men, Why Can't We All Just Disagree? by Megan McArdle

Women and Men, Why Can't We All Just Disagree? by Megan McArdle

The Stubborn Facts Behind the Gender Pay Gap by Kay Hymowitz

The Stubborn Facts Behind the Gender Pay Gap by Kay Hymowitz

Administration’s Good Intentions Could Hurt Black Students’ Achievement by Andrew J. Coulson

Administration’s Good Intentions Could Hurt Black Students’ Achievement by Andrew J. Coulson

The Poverty Line Was Designed Assuming Every Family Had a Housewife Who Was a 'Skillful Cook' by Jordan Weissmann

The Poverty Line Was Designed Assuming Every Family Had a Housewife Who Was a 'Skillful Cook' by Jordan Weissmann

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

4 Things I Learned from the Worst Online Dating Profile Ever by Alli Reed

4 Things I Learned from the Worst Online Dating Profile Ever by Alli Reed

Half of black males, 40 percent of white males arrested by age 23 by Peggy Binette

Half of black males, 40 percent of white males arrested by age 23 by Peggy Binette

What Catastrophe? MIT’s Richard Lindzen, the unalarmed climate scientist by Ethan Epstein

What Catastrophe? MIT’s Richard Lindzen, the unalarmed climate scientist by Ethan Epstein

Super Size Me? Science Teacher Loses 37 Lbs. Eating at McDonald's by Ross Pomeroy

Super Size Me? Science Teacher Loses 37 Lbs. Eating at McDonald's by Ross Pomeroy

The 'Trickle-Down' Lie by Thomas Sowell

The 'Trickle-Down' Lie by Thomas Sowell

The Facts About Income Inequality May Surprise You by Gary Burtless

The Facts About Income Inequality May Surprise You by Gary Burtless

4 Million Medicaid Enrollees Under Obamacare? Doubtful by Sean Trende

4 Million Medicaid Enrollees Under Obamacare? Doubtful by Sean Trende

“Green” Europe, Home of a New Coal Boom by Walter Russell Mead

“Green” Europe, Home of a New Coal Boom by Walter Russell Mead

Young People Abandon Puerto Rico by Walter Russell Mead

Young People Abandon Puerto Rico by Walter Russell Mead

The mortality costs of extremely cold weather by Tyler Cowen

The mortality costs of extremely cold weather by Tyler Cowen

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Easter Island "Collapse" May be a Modern Myth from Archaeology Magazine

Easter Island "Collapse" May be a Modern Myth from Archaeology Magazine

Degrees Are Forever: Marriage, Educational Investment, and Lifecycle Labor Decisions of Men and Women by Mary Ann Bronsony

Degrees Are Forever: Marriage, Educational Investment, and Lifecycle Labor Decisions of Men and Women by Mary Ann Bronsony

A Grand Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter by Claudia Goldin

A Grand Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter by Claudia Goldin

Claudia Goldin on the gender pay gap by Tyler Cowen

Claudia Goldin on the gender pay gap by Tyler Cowen

Isaac Asimov's Predictions For 2014 From 50 Years Ago Are Eerily Accurate by Alexis Kleinman

Isaac Asimov's Predictions For 2014 From 50 Years Ago Are Eerily Accurate by Alexis Kleinman

Friday, January 3, 2014

Two Cheers for 'First World Problems' by Virginia Postrel

Two Cheers for 'First World Problems' by Virginia Postrel

Another Problem Obamacare Won't Solve: Health Costs by Megan McArdle

Another Problem Obamacare Won't Solve: Health Costs by Megan McArdle

Do We Care About Income Inequality, or Absolute Well-Being? by Warren Meyer

Do We Care About Income Inequality, or Absolute Well-Being? by Warren Meyer

Do We Care About Income Inequality, or Absolute Well-Being? from Coyote Blog

Do We Care About Income Inequality, or Absolute Well-Being? from Coyote Blog

Book Review: Knowledge and Politics by Arthur A. Leff

Book Review: Knowledge and Politics by Arthur A. Leff

The Closing of the Scientific Mind by David Gelernter

The Closing of the Scientific Mind by David Gelernter

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Literacy in Colonial America by Carla Olson Gade

Literacy in Colonial America by Carla Olson Gade

LOL My Thesis website

LOL My Thesis website

Wrongful Convictions and Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt by Eugene Volokh

Wrongful Convictions and Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt by Eugene Volokh

Scientists tell us their favourite jokes: 'An electron and a positron walked into a bar…' from The Observer

Scientists tell us their favourite jokes: 'An electron and a positron walked into a bar…' from The Observer

What Makes Online Content Viral? by Jonah A. Berger and Katherine L. Milkman

What Makes Online Content Viral? by Jonah A. Berger and Katherine L. Milkman

Overcoming Bias website

Overcoming Bias website

Politics isn’t about Policy By Robin Hanson

Politics isn’t about Policy By Robin Hanson

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data by Kyle Pomerleau

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data by Kyle Pomerleau

Benign Neglect by Jonah Goldberg

Benign Neglect by Jonah Goldberg