Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Regional ambient temperature is associated with human personality by Wenqi Wei, et al.

From Regional ambient temperature is associated with human personality by Wenqi Wei, et al.

Regional ambient temperature is associated with human personality by Wenqi Wei, et al

Regional ambient temperature is associated with human personality by Wenqi Wei, et al.

The empty brain by Robert Epstein

The empty brain by Robert Epstein

Is envy harmful to a Society's psychological health and wellbeing? A longitudinal study of 18,000 adults by Redzo Mujcic

Is envy harmful to a Society's psychological health and wellbeing? A longitudinal study of 18,000 adults by Redzo Mujcic

The General Social Complexity Factor Is A Thing by Razib Khan

The General Social Complexity Factor Is A Thing by Razib Khan

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Crescent and the company from The Economist

The Crescent and the company from The Economist

Reinterpreting the Crusades from The Economist

Reinterpreting the Crusades from The Economist

Black Like Them by Malcolm Gladwell

Black Like Them by Malcolm Gladwell

Rise and Fall of Sagalossos by Marc Waelkens

Rise and Fall of Sagalossos by Marc Waelkens

Cather and the Academy by Joan Acocella

Cather and the Academy by Joan Acocella

Survival of the Richest by Evan Osnos

Survival of the Richest by Evan Osnos

The Heroism of Incremental Care by Atul Gawande

The Heroism of Incremental Care by Atul Gawande

A Guide to Guerrilla Parenting by Amy Davidson

A Guide to Guerrilla Parenting by Amy Davidson

Are We Really So Modern? by Adam Kirsch

Are We Really So Modern? by Adam Kirsch

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Creators of the Implicit Association Test Should Get Their Story Straight by Jesse Singal

The Creators of the Implicit Association Test Should Get Their Story Straight by Jesse Singal

Millions Are Hounded for Debt They Don’t Owe. One Victim Fought Back, With a Vengeance by Zeke Faux

Millions Are Hounded for Debt They Don’t Owe. One Victim Fought Back, With a Vengeance by Zeke Faux

100 Years. 100 Million Lives. Think Twice. by Laura M. Nicolae

100 Years. 100 Million Lives. Think Twice. by Laura M. Nicolae

How Effective Is Your School District? A New Measure Shows Where Students Learn the Most by Emily Badger and Kevin Quealy

How Effective Is Your School District? A New Measure Shows Where Students Learn the Most by Emily Badger and Kevin Quealy

Crisis in the Classics by Michael R. Jackson Bonner

Crisis in the Classics by Michael R. Jackson Bonner

The Words Men and Women Use When They Write About Love by Josh Katz, Claire Cain Miller, and Kathleen A. Flynn

The Words Men and Women Use When They Write About Love by Josh Katz, Claire Cain Miller, and Kathleen A. Flynn

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Epigraphs: Famous First Words by Herbert Mitgang

Epigraphs: Famous First Words by Herbert Mitgang

The Bard of the Barroom by Michael Kernan

The Bard of the Barroom by Michael Kernan

Doris Lessing Says She Wrote 2 Novels Under Pseudonym to Prove Point by Edwin McDowell

Doris Lessing Says She Wrote 2 Novels Under Pseudonym to Prove Point by Edwin McDowell

2020 A.D. by Tom Wolfe

2020 A.D. by Tom Wolfe

Gevorg Emin -- the poet and his poems by Gevorg Emin

Gevorg Emin -- the poet and his poems. `I write instead of build canals'by Gevorg Emin

Why, Miss Scarlett, How Well You've Aged by Tom Wicker

Why, Miss Scarlett, How Well You've Aged by Tom Wicker

Diary by Paul Barker, London Review of Books, 19 May 1988

Diary by Paul Barker, London Review of Books, 19 May 1988.

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy

Spruce by John Bayley

Spruce by John Bayley

A Last Fantasy in Florence by David Plante

A Last Fantasy in Florence by David Plante

Twilight of the Goddess by Claudia Roth Pierpont

Twilight of the Goddess by Claudia Roth Pierpont

Will Deconstruction Be the Death of Literature? by Frank D. McConnell

Will Deconstruction Be the Death of Literature? by Frank D. McConnell

Mark Twain on American Imperialism

Mark Twain on American Imperialism

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Who was it wrote the devil's dictionary? by Bruce Watson

Who was it wrote the devil's dictionary? by Bruce Watson

The War of the Great Books by Benjamin McArthur

The War of the Great Books by Benjamin McArthur

Atlantic Light by Unknown

Atlantic Light by Unknown

The secret of life at the limits: cogs become big wheels. by John Pfeiffer

The secret of life at the limits: cogs become big wheels. by John Pfeiffer

The Life and Times Roy Cohn by Geoffrey C. Ward

The Life and Times Roy Cohn by Geoffrey C. Ward

N.C. by Andrew Wyeth

N.C. by Andrew Wyeth N.C. by Andrew Wyeth

Getting a Glimpse of History from a Grandstand Seat by Robert Wernick

Getting a Glimpse of History from a Grandstand Seat by Robert Wernick

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Deficit Millionaires by Julian Barnes

The Deficit Millionaires by Julian Barnes

Christopher Columbus and the mystery of the dumb dogs by Stephanie Pain

Christopher Columbus and the mystery of the dumb dogs by Stephanie Pain

The Case for Human Beings by Thomas Palmer

The Case for Human Beings by Thomas Palmer

Lucy's child by Elaine Morgan

Lucy's child by Elaine Morgan

The Great evolutionary handicap by Ken McNamara

The Great evolutionary handicap by Ken McNamara

Reading the entrails of evolution by Ian Hume

Reading the entrails of evolution by Ian Hume

At the court of the Red Queen by Michael Benton

At the court of the Red Queen by Michael Benton

Progress in evolution? by Niles Eldredge

Progress in evolution? by Niles Eldredge

Does Homer Have Legs by David Denby

Does Homer Have Legs by David Denby

The Fifty-Nine Story Crisis by Joe Morgenstern

The Fifty-Nine Story Crisis by Joe Morgenstern

The Revenge of the Green Dragons by Fredric Dannen

The Revenge of the Green Dragons by Fredric Dannen

How Britain Made It by Keith Thomas

How Britain Made It by Keith Thomas

A Violent Act Part II by Alec Wilkinson

A Violent Act Part II by Alec Wilkinson

Annals of Crime A Violent Act Part I by Alec Wilkinson

Annals of Crime A Violent Act Part I by Alec Wilkinson

The Whistle Blower Part II James Lardner

The Whistle Blower Part II James Lardner

The Whistle-Blower Part 1 James Lardner

The Whistle-Blower Part 1 James Lardner

The Triumph of Capitalism by Robert Heilbroner

The Triumph of Capitalism by Robert Heilbroner

The Great College Loan Swindle by Matt Taibbi

The Great College Loan Swindle by Matt Taibbi

Research shows daily family life is all the “quality time” kids need by Lila MacLellan

Research shows daily family life is all the “quality time” kids need by Lila MacLellan

Keeping the old piles standing by Sarah Staniforth and Bob Hayes

Keeping the old piles standing by Sarah Staniforth and Bob Hayes

The melting pot bubbles less from The Economist

The melting pot bubbles less from The Economist

The Flash of Genius by John Seabrook

The Flash of Genius by John Seabrook

The world's biggest grave robbery: Asia’s disappearing WWII shipwrecks Oliver Holmes, Monica Ulmanu and Simon Roberts

The world's biggest grave robbery: Asia’s disappearing WWII shipwrecks Oliver Holmes, Monica Ulmanu and Simon Roberts

Our Culture, What’s Left Of It, interview of Theodore Dalrymple by Jamie Glazov

Our Culture, What’s Left Of It, interview of Theodore Dalrymple by Jamie Glazov

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Whales and Sharks by James B. Stewart

Whales and Sharks by James B. Stewart

Just give me the fax by Tim Hunkin

Just give me the fax by Tim Hunkin

Why pure inventions don't exist by Tim Hunkin

Why pure inventions don't exist by Tim Hunkin

Small Inventions? They changed how people lived in the Hellenistic Age by Abraham Levy

Small Inventions? They Changed How People Lived in the Hellenistic Age by Abraham Levy

Eli Whitney's Other Talent by Peter Baida

Eli Whitney's Other Talent by Peter Baida

The Ancient History of System/360 by James E. Strothman

The Ancient History of System/360 by James E. Strothman

The Great Reaper War by Joseph Gies

The Great Reaper War by Joseph Gies

Riddles of death Thebes never knew. (value of statistical studies) from The Economist

Riddles of death Thebes never knew. (value of statistical studies) from The Economist

The secret of life at the limits: cogs become big wheels by John Pfeiffer

The secret of life at the limits: cogs become big wheels by John Pfeiffer

The Turn by William Langewiesche

The Turn by William Langewiesche

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017

How natural is numeracy? by Philip Ball

How natural is numeracy? by Philip Ball

The Mesh of Civilizations in the Global Network of Digital Communication by Bogdan State, Patrick Park, Ingmar Weber, and Michael Macy

The Mesh of Civilizations in the Global Network of Digital Communication by Bogdan State, Patrick Park, Ingmar Weber, and Michael Macy

Partisanship, Propaganda, and Disinformation: Online Media and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election from Berkman Klein Center Research Publication 2017-6

Partisanship, Propaganda, and Disinformation: Online Media and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election from Berkman Klein Center Research Publication 2017-6

Genomic Analyses of Pre-European Conquest Human Remains from the Canary Islands Reveal Close Affinity to Modern North Africans by Ricardo Rodríguez-Varela, et al

Genomic Analyses of Pre-European Conquest Human Remains from the Canary Islands Reveal Close Affinity to Modern North Africans by Ricardo Rodríguez-Varela, et al

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Democrats’ Gerrymandering Obsession by Jeff Greenfield

The Democrats’ Gerrymandering Obsession by Jeff Greenfield

The Misleading Metaphor of Decline by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

The Misleading Metaphor of Decline by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Waiting for Columbus by Alastair Reid

Waiting for Columbus by Alastair Reid

A Failed Dominion by Nicholas Lemann

A Failed Dominion by Nicholas Lemann

Voyage of Discovery by Charles Tanford and Jacqueline Reynolds, New Scientist 19/26 December 1992

Voyage of Discovery by Charles Tanford and Jacqueline Reynolds, New Scientist 19/26 December 1992

How History Made the Constitution by Hiller B. Zobel

How History Made the Constitution by Hiller B. Zobel

Whistler in the Dark by Adam Gopnik

Whistler in the Dark by Adam Gopnik

N.C. by Andrew Wyeth

N.C. by Andrew Wyeth

A Case of Melancholia by John Updike

A Case of Melancholia by John Updike

The Life and Times Roy Cohn by Geoffrey C. Ward

The Life and Times Roy Cohn by Geoffrey C. Ward

A Very Private Person by Hugo Vickers The Spectator 21/28 December 1991

A Very Private Person by Hugo Vickers

The Culture of Death—and of Disdain by Peggy Noonan

The Culture of Death—and of Disdain by Peggy Noonan

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Take Back the Ivory Tower by Alice Dreger

Take Back the Ivory Tower by Alice Dreger

Mass Killings: An Evolutionary Perspective by Robert J King

Mass Killings: An Evolutionary Perspective by Robert J King

Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws by Glenn Kessler

Marco Rubio’s claim that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws by Glenn Kessler

Depriving the Well-Off Won't Help the Working Class by Noah Smith

Depriving the Well-Off Won't Help the Working Class by Noah Smith

The ‘myth’ of language history: languages do not share a single history but different components evolve along different trajectories and at different rates from The Max Planck Institute

The ‘myth’ of language history: languages do not share a single history but different components evolve along different trajectories and at different rates from The Max Planck Institute

Projections of white and black older adults without living kin in the United States, 2015 to 2060 by Ashton M. Verderya and Rachel Margolis

Projections of white and black older adults without living kin in the United States, 2015 to 2060 by Ashton M. Verderya and Rachel Margolis

Is Air Pollution Killing Millions? Not In The United States Of America by Alex Berezow

Is Air Pollution Killing Millions? Not In The United States Of America by Alex Berezow

A Route to Well-being: Intelligence vs. Wise Reasoning by Igor Grossmann

A Route to Well-being: Intelligence vs. Wise Reasoning by Igor Grossmann

Why Do Smart People Do Foolish Things? by Heather A. Butler

Why Do Smart People Do Foolish Things? by Heather A. Butler

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson

A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson

A Samuel Johnson celebration recalls his wit and wisdom by Israel Shenker

A Samuel Johnson celebration recalls his wit and wisdom by Israel Shenker

The Minimal Persuasive Effects of Campaign Contact in General Elections: Evidence from 49 Field Experiments by Joshua Kalla and David E. Broockman

The Minimal Persuasive Effects of Campaign Contact in General Elections: Evidence from 49 Field Experiments by Joshua Kalla and David E. Broockman

How Did Marriage Become a Mark of Privilege? by Claire Cain Miller

How Did Marriage Become a Mark of Privilege? by Claire Cain Miller

Hard Data, Hollow Protests: FBI crime figures paint a very different picture of crime and policing than this weekend’s demonstrations suggest. by Heather Mac Donald

Hard Data, Hollow Protests: FBI crime figures paint a very different picture of crime and policing than this weekend’s demonstrations suggest. by Heather Mac Donald

It is time academics preach the virtues they practice by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

It is time academics preach the virtues they practice by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

Misrepresenting Germany in 'The New York Times' by Bruce Bawer

Misrepresenting Germany in 'The New York Times' by Bruce Bawer

The Dying Art of Disagreement by Bret Stephens

The Dying Art of Disagreement by Bret Stephens

Monday, September 18, 2017

A cross-country empirical test of cognitive abilities and innovation nexus by Sardor Azam

A cross-country empirical test of cognitive abilities and innovation nexus by Sardor Azam

Human error: models and management by James Reason

Human error: models and management by James Reason

Equifax Made Life Easier. Now We See the Cost. by Megan McArdle

Equifax Made Life Easier. Now We See the Cost. by Megan McArdle

The Brains Trust of Intersectionality by Sumantra Maitra

The Brains Trust of Intersectionality by Sumantra Maitra

Debunking: A Meta-Analysis of the Psychological Efficacy of Messages Countering Misinformation by Man-pui Sally Chan, et al

Debunking: A Meta-Analysis of the Psychological Efficacy of Messages Countering Misinformation by Man-pui Sally Chan, et al

Moral outrage in the digital age by M. J. Crockett

Moral outrage in the digital age by M. J. Crockett

Moral outrage: Second-hand anger by Rolf Degen

Moral outrage: Second-hand anger by Rolf Degen

Science Denial Across the Political Divide: Liberals and Conservatives Are Similarly Motivated to Deny Attitude-Inconsistent Science by Anthony N. Washburn and Linda J. Skitka

Science Denial Across the Political Divide: Liberals and Conservatives Are Similarly Motivated to Deny Attitude-Inconsistent Science by Anthony N. Washburn and Linda J. Skitka

Thursday, September 14, 2017

An Open Letter to Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Dream Is Real by Jason D. Hill

An Open Letter to Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Dream Is Real by Jason D. Hill

History of zero pushed back 500 years by ancient Indian text by Timothy Revell

History of zero pushed back 500 years by ancient Indian text by Timothy Revell

The Case Against Civilization by John Lanchester

The Case Against Civilization by John Lanchester

Is Hillary Clinton Right About Why She Lost? from Fivethirtyeight

Is Hillary Clinton Right About Why She Lost? from Fivethirtyeight

Redoing the Electoral Math by John B. Judis

Redoing the Electoral Math by John B. Judis

Your child may need this skill as much as literacy and numeracy by John McKenna

Your child may need this skill as much as literacy and numeracy by John McKenna

Evacuation and the Danger of Mindless Obedience by Tom Mullen

Evacuation and the Danger of Mindless Obedience by Tom Mullen

America's Top Fears 2016 from Chapman University

America's Top Fears 2016 from Chapman University

Only 3% of Companies’ Data Meets Basic Quality Standards by Tadhg Nagle, Thomas C. Redman, and David Sammon

Only 3% of Companies’ Data Meets Basic Quality Standards by Tadhg Nagle, Thomas C. Redman, and David Sammon

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Sex-Bias Myth in Medicine by Andrew G. Kadar

The Sex-Bias Myth in Medicine by Andrew G. Kadar

Stalingrad: Letters from the Dead by Timothy W. Ryback

Stalingrad: Letters from the Dead by Timothy W. Ryback

The Strange Tale of Cromwell's Head by Rick Jones

The Strange Tale of Cromwell's Head by Rick Jones

A calendar for all seasons by Mick Hamer

A calendar for all seasons by Mick Hamer

Origins of the Underclass (Part 2) by Nicholas Lemann

Origins of the Underclass (Part 2) by Nicholas Lemann

The Origins of the Underclass Part I by Nicholas Lemann

The Origins of the Underclass Part Iby Nicholas Lemann

Friday, September 8, 2017

The False Prophecy of Hyperconnection by Niall Ferguson

The False Prophecy of Hyperconnection by Niall Ferguson

My Genome, My Self by Steven Pinker

My Genome, My Self by Steven Pinker

The Bad Science Behind Campus Response to Sexual Assault by Emily Yoffe

The Bad Science Behind Campus Response to Sexual Assault by Emily Yoffe

The readability of scientific texts is decreasing over time by Pontus Plavén-Sigray et al

The readability of scientific texts is decreasing over time by Pontus Plavén-Sigray et al

Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups' by Megan McArdle

Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups' by Megan McArdle

The mystery of the lost Roman herb by Zaria Gorvett

The mystery of the lost Roman herb by Zaria Gorvett

Thursday, September 7, 2017

A politically incorrect guide to affirmative action by Philippe Lemoine

A politically incorrect guide to affirmative action by Philippe Lemoine

Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images. by Michal Kosinski and Yilun Wang

Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images. by Michal Kosinski and Yilun Wang

Filters in Harmony feat: Buffett & Munger, Scott Adams, Jordan Peterson, Rogan, & Altucher video

Filters in Harmony feat: Buffett & Munger, Scott Adams, Jordan Peterson, Rogan, & Altucher video

Précis of Social Perception and Social Reality: Why accuracy dominates bias and self-fulfilling prophecy Lee Jussim

Précis of Social Perception and Social Reality: Why accuracy dominates bias and self-fulfilling prophecy by Lee Jussim

Why your relationship is likely to last (or not): using Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) by Friederike

Why your relationship is likely to last (or not): using Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) by Friederike

What's the difference between apps we cherish vs. regret? from Time Well Spent

What's the difference between apps we cherish vs. regret? from Time Well Spent

Humans are still evolving, study suggests by Brooks Hays

Humans are still evolving, study suggests by Brooks Hays

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy by Emily Yoffe

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy by Emily Yoffe

Monday, September 4, 2017

Crisis in the hot zone by Richard Preston

Crisis in the hot zone by Richard Preston

The Risks of Risk Studies by Ellen Ruppel Shell

The Risks of Risk Studies by Ellen Ruppel Shell

Looking for trouble by John Lazarus

Looking for trouble by John Lazarus

The parching of prehistoric North America by David J. Meltzer

The parching of prehistoric North America by David J. Meltzer

Dive! Dive! Dive! by William Scanlan Murphy

Dive! Dive! Dive! by William Scanlan Murphy

Shipwreck by Julian Barnes

Shipwreck by Julian Barnes

The Treasure of Debraak by Paul Brodeur

The Treasure of Debraak by Paul Brodeur

The Wreck of the Auguste by James Buchan

The Wreck of the Auguste by James Buchan

Success Story: Blacks in the Army by Charles C. Moskos

Success Story: Blacks in the Army by Charles C. Moskos

Ships that scaled the seven seas by William Scanlan Murphy

Ships that scaled the seven seas by William Scanlan Murphy

The longbow's deadly secrets by Gareth Rees

The longbow's deadly secrets by Gareth Rees

Why are mathematicians eccentric? by John F. Bowers

Why are mathematicians eccentric? by John F. Bowers

One man's tipple is another man's poison by T. Edward Reed

One man's tipple is another man's poison by T. Edward Reed

The Cholesterol Myth by Thomas J. Moore

The Cholesterol Myth by Thomas J. Moore

Life and death on the wagon trail by Pat Shipman

Life and death on the wagon trail by Pat Shipman

Lessons from a history of fears by Jonathan Mann

Lessons from a history of fears by Jonathan Mann

Marshall's Hunch by Terence Monmaney

Marshall's Hunch by Terence Monmaney

How Columbus sickened the New World by David J. Meltzer

How Columbus sickened the New World by David J. Meltzer

Conserving the Mary Rose by Chris Chippindale

Conserving the Mary Rose by Chris Chippindale

Tudor Sailor At Long Last Laid to Rest by R.W. Apple Jr.

Tudor Sailor At Long Last Laid to Rest by R.W. Apple Jr.

Waters of Lake Champlain Yield 225-Year-Old Warship by Edward A. Gargan

Waters of Lake Champlain Yield 225-Year-Old Warship by Edward A. Gargan

Anne of Red Hair by Calvin Trillin

Anne of Red Hair by Calvin Trillin

The Crash Detective by Jonathan Harr

The Crash Detective by Jonathan Harr

Sunday, September 3, 2017

John Wayne's Body by Garry Wills

John Wayne's Body by Garry Wills

What's logic got to do with it? by Marcus Chown

What's logic got to do with it? by Marcus Chown

The Birth of an Idea by Robert S. Boynton

The Birth of an Idea by Robert S. Boynton

A Reporter at Large Burma by Amitav Ghosh

A Reporter at Large Burma by Amitav Ghosh

On Responsibility and Punishment by John Staddon

On Responsibility and Punishment by John Staddon

True Tales - Well, Maybe by Roger Angell

True Tales - Well, Maybe by Roger Angell
Dalat Journal: City of Mimosa, Untouched by War by Barbara Crossette

Friday, September 1, 2017

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Go to the profile of Sam Bowman by Sam Bowman

Go to the profile of Sam Bowman by Sam Bowman

America’s First Addiction Epidemic by Christopher Finan

America’s First Addiction Epidemic by Christopher Finan

Long live your ancestors’ American dream: The self-selection and multigenerational mobility of American immigrants by Joakim Ruist

Long live your ancestors’ American dream: The self-selection and multigenerational mobility of American immigrants by Joakim Ruist

The intergenerational transmission of divorce in cross-national perspective: Results from the Fertility and Family Surveys by Jaap Dronkers and Juho Härkönen

The intergenerational transmission of divorce in cross-national perspective: Results from the Fertility and Family Surveys by Jaap Dronkers and Juho Härkönen

Armed robbers hold up Woodlawn bar — where cops were celebrating a colleague's retirement by Jessica Anderson

Armed robbers hold up Woodlawn bar — where cops were celebrating a colleague's retirement by Jessica Anderson

Confederate Monuments: The Problem With Politically Correct History by Larry Elder

Confederate Monuments: The Problem With Politically Correct History by Larry Elder

Study gives first proof that the Earth has a natural thermostat by charles the moderator

Study gives first proof that the Earth has a natural thermostat by charles the moderator

About a Dog by James Lileks

About a Dog by James Lileks

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

America's Liberal Logjam: The Tension Between Humanism and Identity by James Poulos

America's Liberal Logjam: The Tension Between Humanism and Identity by James Poulos

Folk Music of the United States by Duncan Emrich

Folk Music of the United States by Duncan Emrich

A politically incorrect guide to affirmative action by Philippe Lemoine

A politically incorrect guide to affirmative action by Philippe Lemoine

10 Famous Book Hoarders by Emily Temple

10 Famous Book Hoarders by Emily Temple

A Question of Merit by Noam Stein

A Question of Merit by Noam Stein

AI 'Bias' Doesn't Mean What Journalists Say It Means by Chris Stucchio and Lisa Mahapatra

AI 'Bias' Doesn't Mean What Journalists Say It Means by Chris Stucchio and Lisa Mahapatra

Huge new study casts doubt on conventional wisdom about fat and carbs by Patrick Skerrett

Huge new study casts doubt on conventional wisdom about fat and carbs by Patrick Skerrett

Science-Backed "Secrets" to Living a Long, Healthy Life by Ross Pomeroy

Science-Backed "Secrets" to Living a Long, Healthy Life by Ross Pomeroy

Gender Bias in STEM — An Example of Biased Research? by Sebastian Cesario

Gender Bias in STEM — An Example of Biased Research? by Sebastian Cesario

“Imprisoned” by Whom? by Theodore Dalrymple

“Imprisoned” by Whom? by Theodore Dalrymple

Modern Liberalism’s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments by Jason L. Riley

Modern Liberalism’s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments by Jason L. Riley

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Key findings about U.S. immigrants by Gustavo Lopez and Kristen Bialik

Key findings about U.S. immigrants by Gustavo Lopez and Kristen Bialik

The Geography of Happiness: Connecting Twitter Sentiment and Expression, Demographics, and Objective Characteristics of Place by Lewis Mitchell, et al

The Geography of Happiness: Connecting Twitter Sentiment and Expression, Demographics, and Objective Characteristics of Place by Lewis Mitchell, et al

The Truth of El Mozote by Mark Danner

The Truth of El Mozote by Mark Danner

Personal History An Ideal State by Caroline Alexander

Personal History An Ideal State by Caroline Alexander

Did Egypt Shape the Glory That Was Greece by John E. Coleman

Did Egypt Shape the Glory That Was Greece by John E. Coleman

The World in Its Extreme by William Langewiesche

The World in Its Extreme by William Langewiesche

To See and Not To See by Oliver Sacks

To See and Not To See by Oliver Sacks

A Cricketer Under the Japs by E.W. Swanton

A Cricketer Under the Japs by E.W. Swanton

The Suburban Century Begins by William Schneider

The Suburban Century Begins by William Schneider

The Cancer at Slater School by Paul Brodeur

The Cancer at Slater School by Paul Brodeur

Great balls of fire by Paul Davies

Great balls of fire by Paul Davies

How the wild beasts were tamed by Juliet Clutton-Brock

How the wild beasts were tamed by Juliet Clutton-Brock

The New Generation Gap by Neil Howe and William Strauss

The New Generation Gap by Neil Howe and William Strauss

Sex and sensibility by Sue Birchmore

Sex and sensibility by Sue Birchmore

Where the Media Critics Went Wrong by Walter Karp

Where the Media Critics Went Wrong by Walter Karp

IQ and Falling Birth Rates by R. J. Herrnstein

IQ and Falling Birth Rates by R. J. Herrnstein

Blacks vs. Browns by Jack Miles

Blacks vs. Browns by Jack Miles

Watching Americans Watch TV by Erik Larson

Watching Americans Watch TV by Erik Larson

Midlife Myths by Winifred Gallagher

Midlife Myths by Winifred Gallagher

Race by Thomas Byrne Edsall and Mary D. Edsall

Race by Thomas Byrne Edsall and Mary D. Edsall

Human ecology: How land shapes society by John Reader

Human ecology: How land shapes society by John Reader

Geology of Cameroon's gas catastrophe by Deborah MacKenzie

Geology of Cameroon's gas catastrophe by Deborah MacKenzie

Tiny elephants and giant mice by Simon Davis

Tiny elephants and giant mice by Simon Davis

A Damaged Culture by James Fallows

A Damaged Culture by James Fallows

A Reporter in Washington by Elizabeth Drew

A Reporter in Washington by Elizabeth Drew

Snap decisions for survival by Chris Barnard

Snap decisions for survival by Chris Barnard

Red River Redux by Kathryn Paulsen

Red River Redux by Kathryn Paulsen

Warming to the cold and snow by Donald Hall

Warming to the cold and snow by Donald Hall

Does Homer Have Legs? by David Denby

Does Homer Have Legs? by David Denby

Science before the age of reason by Michael Rowan-Robinson

Science before the age of reason by Michael Rowan-Robinson

A bumpy start to science education by Derek Hodson and Bob Prophet

A bumpy start to science education by Derek Hodson and Bob Prophet

On the origins of a learned society by Sam Berry, Bill Chaloner and Jack Hawkes

On the origins of a learned society by Sam Berry, Bill Chaloner and Jack Hawkes

Women and The Bible by Cullen Murphy

Women and The Bible by Cullen Murphy

To Form a More Perfect Human by Dwight L. Young

To Form a More Perfect Human by Dwight L. Young

Can We be Good Without God by Glenn Tinder

Can We be Good Without God by Glenn Tinder

The rise and rise of the sea cucumber by David Billett

The rise and rise of the sea cucumber by David Billett

Dilemma of the jet set by Martin Wells

Dilemma of the jet set by Martin Wells

Legend of the living fossil by Martin Wells

Legend of the living fossil by Martin Wells

Seeing biology through Aristotle's eyes by Robin Dunbar

Seeing biology through Aristotle's eyes by Robin Dunbar

Why the fat Icelander survived his Arctic swim from New Scientist

Why the fat Icelander survived his Arctic swim from New Scientist

In cold blood by Stephen Young

In cold blood by Stephen Young

How Peruvian Indians adapt to altitudes from New Scientist

How Peruvian Indians adapt to altitudes from New Scientist

The chase that breeds a sense of direction from New Scientist

The chase that breeds a sense of direction from New Scientist

Why do women last longer than men? by Roy Collins

Why do women last longer than men? by Roy Collins

Sleep by A. Alvarez

Sleep by A. Alvarez

In once-welcoming Italy, the tide turns against migrants by Michael Birnbaum

In once-welcoming Italy, the tide turns against migrants by Michael Birnbaum

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Rise of Liberal Fascism by Paul Johnson

The Rise of Liberal Fascism by Paul Johnson

PC Corporate Culture Is a Plague That Government Helps Spread by Nathan Cofnas

PC Corporate Culture Is a Plague That Government Helps Spread by Nathan Cofnas

Classicism and the American Revolution by Stuart Andrews

Classicism and the American Revolution by Stuart Andrews

The Religion of the Past I - Just Judgment by V.S. Naipaul

The Religion of the Past I - Just Judgment by V.S. Naipaul

The Great American Grid by Tamara Thorton

The Great American Grid by Tamara Thorton

The Greatest Diarist by Daniel Aaron

The Greatest Diarist by Daniel Aaron

Brigadoon USA by Jack Beatty

Brigadoon USA by Jack Beatty

Raising Galveston by Don Walden

Raising Galveston by Don Walden

A Reporter at Large Great Plains I by Ian Frazier

A Reporter at Large Great Plains I by Ian Frazier

What the Vikings left behind by Terence O'Connor

What the Vikings left behind by Terence O'Connor

The Phoenician Fable by Patricia M. Bikai and Pierre M. Bikai

The Phoenician Fable by Patricia M. Bikai and Pierre M. Bikai

Benford's law from Wikipedia

Benford's law from Wikipedia

The Fire And Fury Of Presidents by Victor Davis Hanson

The Fire And Fury Of Presidents by Victor Davis Hanson

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Divorce and Occupation: Some jobs tend towards higher divorce rates. Some towards lower. by Nathan Yau

Divorce and Occupation: Some jobs tend towards higher divorce rates. Some towards lower. by Nathan Yau

Iconoclasm And Violence by Rod Dreher

Iconoclasm And Violence by Rod Dreher

Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago by Jeremy Ashkenas, Haeyoun Park, and Adam Pearce

Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago by Jeremy Ashkenas, Haeyoun Park, and Adam Pearce

The battle of Angkor Wat by Russell Ciochon and Jamie James

The battle of Angkor Wat by Russell Ciochon and Jamie James

The Overseas Chinese A driving force from The Economist

The Overseas Chinese A driving force from The Economist

Doolally in Delhi, cushy in Campbellpur from The Economist

Doolally in Delhi, cushy in Campbellpur from The Economist

Playing the White Man by William Dalrymple

Playing the White Man by William Dalrymple

Teheran Summer by Robin Wright

Teheran Summer by Robin Wright

When East Met West by James Fallows

When East Met West by James Fallows

The oldest ice in the world by Rolf Haugaard Nielsen

The oldest ice in the world by Rolf Haugaard Nielsen

God and the Arctic survivors by Herbert Blankensteijn and Louwrens Hacqubord

God and the Arctic survivors by Herbert Blankensteijn and Louwrens Hacqubord

The horrible fate of the Franklin expedition by Roy Herbert

The horrible fate of the Franklin expedition by Roy Herbert

A Reporter at Large The Emergency - II by William Finnegan

A Reporter at Large The Emergency - II by William Finnegan

A Reporter at Large The Emergency I by William Finnegan

A Reporter at Large The Emergency I by William Finnegan

Black Marx by Edward Theberton

Black Marx by Edward Theberton

Uganda, Mon Amour by Denis Hills

Uganda, Mon Amour by Denis Hills

Europe's Monarchies Vivent les rois from The Economist

Europe's Monarchies Vivent les rois from The Economist

Europe's Third World by Robert D. Kaplan

Europe's Third World by Robert D. Kaplan

Lead poisoning in the sugar plantations from the New Scientist

Lead poisoning in the sugar plantations from the New Scientist

Probing the Boston Common by Steven R. Pendery

Probing the Boston Common by Steven R. Pendery

The Bounteous Berkshires by Jack Beatty

The Bounteous Berkshires by Jack Beatty

Swedish Mentality by Ake Daun

Swedish Mentality by Ake Daun

Stalingrad: Letters from the Dead by Timothy W. Ryback

Stalingrad: Letters from the Dead by Timothy W. Ryback

Siberia by Robert Cullen

Siberia by Robert Cullen

Report from Turkestan by Robin Wright

Report from Turkestan by Robin Wright

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

For Alsatians, Miss Liberty Evokes Special Pride by Deirdre Carmody

For Alsatians, Miss Liberty Evokes Special Pride by Deirdre Carmody

A Calendar for All Seasons by Mick Hamer

A Calendar for All Seasons by Mick Hamer

No Blacks Need Apply by Alexander Stille

No Blacks Need Apply by Alexander Stille

Fishing boats dodge mustard gas in the Baltic by Judith Perera and Andy Thomas

Fishing boats dodge mustard gas in the Baltic by Judith Perera and Andy Thomas

Scandinavian Dead Letters by Tony Samstag

Scandinavian Dead Letters by Tony Samstag

Scotland's golden age by David Taylor

Scotland's golden age by David Taylor

The re-greening of Vietnam by Elizabeth Kemf New Scientist

The re-greening of Vietnam by Elizabeth Kemf New Scientist

Asian Journal by James Fallows

Asian Journal by James Fallows

A Nation of Contradictions by Stan Sesser

A Nation of Contradictions by Stan Sesser

The Hard Life by James Fallows

The Hard Life by James Fallows

Nationalism, Not Racism by James Fallows

Nationalism, Not Racism by James Fallows

Getting Along With Japan by James Fallows

Getting Along With Japan by James Fallows

Out of the desert by Milton Viorst

Out of the desert by Milton Viorst

The Christian Enclave by Milton Viorst

The Christian Enclave by Milton Viorst

The Average Guy Who Spent 6,003 Hours Trying to Be a Professional Golfer by Stephen Phillips

The Average Guy Who Spent 6,003 Hours Trying to Be a Professional Golfer by Stephen Phillips

The Most Shortsighted Attack on Free Speech in Modern U.S. History by Conor Friedersdorf

The Most Shortsighted Attack on Free Speech in Modern U.S. History by Conor Friedersdorf

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Strange Tale of Cromwell's Head by Rick Jones

The Strange Tale of Cromwell's Head by Rick Jones

The Dark at the Top of the Stairs by A. Alvarez

The Dark at the Top of the Stairs by A. Alvarez

Imperial Images: The Empire Marketing Board, 1926-32 by David Meredith

Imperial Images: The Empire Marketing Board, 1926-32 by David Meredith

The Lost Sheep by Robert D. Kaplan

The Lost Sheep by Robert D. Kaplan

A new age for Minoan Crete by Sturt Manning

A new age for Minoan Crete by Sturt Manning

Environmental Degradation in Ancient Greece by Curtis N. Runnels

Environmental Degradation in Ancient Greece by Curtis N. Runnels

Greek Gifts? by Peter Green

Greek Gifts? by Peter Green

Chelsea Follett: Data give hope after Charlottesville violence by Chelsea Follett

Chelsea Follett: Data give hope after Charlottesville violence by Chelsea Follett

We Live in Fear of the Online Mobs by Megan McArdle

We Live in Fear of the Online Mobs by Megan McArdle

Yes, the Romans Were Diverse—but Not in the Way We Understand It by Ben Bassett

Yes, the Romans Were Diverse—but Not in the Way We Understand It by Ben Bassett

Of course, Trumpian hysteria and an eclipse come together: Welcome to our crazy years by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

Of course, Trumpian hysteria and an eclipse come together: Welcome to our crazy years by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Complex Relationship Between Innovation and Economic Segregation by Richard Florida

The Complex Relationship Between Innovation and Economic Segregation by Richard Florida

Emergent Order by Ben Casnocha

Emergent Order by Ben Casnocha

How Columbus Day Fell Victim to Its Own Success by Yoni Applebaum

How Columbus Day Fell Victim to Its Own Success by Yoni Applebaum

Does America Over-Incarcerate? by Arnold Kling

Does America Over-Incarcerate? by Arnold Kling

Life Under Communism Was No Liberation For Women by Marian L. Tupy

Life Under Communism Was No Liberation For Women by Marian L. Tupy

Policy-Based Evidence Making by Oren Cass

Policy-Based Evidence Making by Oren Cass

Want Teenage Boys to Read? Give Them Books About Heroes by Mark Tapson

Want Teenage Boys to Read? Give Them Books About Heroes by Mark Tapson

‘Then they came for me’: A Hitler supporter’s haunting warning has a complicated history by Michael S. Rosenwald

‘Then they came for me’: A Hitler supporter’s haunting warning has a complicated history by Michael S. Rosenwald

State of Us: Ireland’s story doesn’t make sense any more by Fintan O'Toole

State of Us: Ireland’s story doesn’t make sense any more by Fintan O'Toole

The Role of Evidence in Politics: Motivated Reasoning and Persuasion among Politicians by Martin Baekgaard, et al

The Role of Evidence in Politics: Motivated Reasoning and Persuasion among Politicians by Martin Baekgaard, et al

Tribalism and Economic Nationalism Are Cut from the Same Cloth by Sheldon Richman

Tribalism and Economic Nationalism Are Cut from the Same Cloth by Sheldon Richman

Sorry, vegans: Eating meat and cooking food is how humans got their big brains by Christopher Wanjek

Sorry, vegans: Eating meat and cooking food is how humans got their big brains by Christopher Wanjek

Mizzou Pays a Price for Appeasing the Left by Jillian Kay Melchior

Mizzou Pays a Price for Appeasing the Left by Jillian Kay Melchior

Conference Paper, Karl Popper’s Falsifiability: The Foreign Emoluments Clause—A Debate Between Constitutional Eloi and Constitutional Morlocks. by Seth Barrett Tillman

Conference Paper, Karl Popper’s Falsifiability: The Foreign Emoluments Clause—A Debate Between Constitutional Eloi and Constitutional Morlocks. by Seth Barrett Tillman

Trump Exploits Gap Between Elite and Public Opinion by John Kraushaar

Trump Exploits Gap Between Elite and Public Opinion by John Kraushaar

Sunday, August 20, 2017

An Early Energy Crisis and Its Consequences by John U. Nef

An Early Energy Crisis and Its Consequences by John U. Nef

The Sweet Smell of Purple by Alison Motluck

The Sweet Smell of Purple by Alison Motluck

How We Became What We Are by Winifred Gallagher

How We Became What We Are by Winifred Gallagher

The Sex-Bias Myth in Medicine by Andrew G. Kadar

The Sex-Bias Myth in Medicine by Andrew G. Kadar

The Incredible Shrinking Aborigines by Leigh Dayton

The Incredible Shrinking Aborigines by Leigh Dayton

The Biology of Violence by Robert Wright

The Biology of Violence by Robert Wright

A Case of the Great Pox by William Styron

A Case of the Great Pox by William Styron

Icons from the Deep by Diane le Berrurier

Icons from the Deep by Diane le Berrurier

Glass in antiquity by Marcus Chown

Glass in antiquity by Marcus Chown

Parrots by Jane and Michael Stern

Parrots by Jane and Michael Stern

The beast within ourselves by Judith Hampson

The beast within ourselves by Judith Hampson

Native is Beautiful by Omar Sattaur

Native is Beautiful by Omar Sattaur

Catch a falling frog by Derek Elsom

Catch a falling frog by Derek Elsom